Tom and Roz's Map

Friday 16 May 2008

got it!!!

after 3 days of trying they finally let us have a boat ticket out of here!!

next stop Turkmenistan...


Julian Easton said...

Dr. livingstill i presume?

Very interesting to read your travel diaries. And now the exciting part really begins with the Stans. We did have a group of Azerbaijanian officials come to an ecotourism presentation in Canterbury in 2003 to develop the nature tourism sector in the country. Anything done on that?

By the way the next mission is the mouth of the Nile to the mouth of the Congo I am getting the supplies ready. HM.Stanley.

fred said...

is that it, Tom that's not even half a post. We need more info, photos and general scandalous gossiping.

Who have you met, what have you done and why aren't your photos on facebook?

Hope it's all going well, wha's Turmenistan food like?